Staffing structure is:
1 X Full time care coordinator who looks after the day to day operations of proving and suppling the care needed for the participants..
1 X Part time sales and admin staff member, her role is to book teh participants and set up the accomodation such as, find the appropriate acommodation for the participants according to their needs, she also handles the invoicing and the online media side of the business.
There are approx 10 support workers on a casual basis for when they are needed.
The business provides respite accommodation, products and memberships to help carers of NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) participants
Offering respite care/STA (Short-term Accommodation) that allow both the person with a disability and the carer to take a break from their routine or enjoy a change of scenery.
STA is a way of providing respite care that can be funded through the NDIS. The company undertakes the accommodation aspect and organises the support that its clients need while staying at one of its locations.
The main accommodation utilised is located near one of the Sunshine Coasts beautiful beaches but can be located anywhere
The site enjoys an in-ground pool, landscaped gardens and the privacy of a resort.
The business can operate anywhere in any hotel around Australia making it completely flexible for the new owner.
There is a strong relationship with a management company that manages 30 x properties around the Sunshine Coast and this business has co-host rights to all properties for exclusivity of accommodation.
The business has one passive owner who occasionally performs bookkeeping duties. She is not engaged in most other business operations, leaving the operations in the hands of skilled and competent staff members, 1 full-time care co-ordinator & 1 part-time sales.
The business has 1 x full-time and 1 x part time staff members who are responsible for operations. An active new owner who seeks to be hands- on in operating the business has the opportunity to take over key tasks performed by staff members to help reduce staffing costs. Aside from the staff members, the business has a pool of 10 support workers who are subcontracted on an ad-hoc basis.
Solid NDIS database of 10,000+ support coordinators and OTs (Occupational Therapists).
The company is a registered NDIS and has the following scope:
0101 | Accommodation/Tenancy |
0106 | Assist-Life Stage, Transition |
0107 | Assist-Personal Activities |
0108 | Assist-Travel/Transport |
0115 | Daily Tasks/Shared Living |
0116 | Innov Community Participation |
0117 | Development-Life Skills |
0120 | Household Tasks |
0125 | Participate Community |
0127 | Plan Management |
0128 | Therapeutic Supports |
0132 | Support Coordination |
0136 | Group/Centre Activities |
Period for which registration is in force: From 4 January 2022, until 4 January 2025
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