This is below asset value, it has good cash flow, most of the invoices are paid twice a month. The company is located in Sydney; it is currently run as a home based business with a separate yard to store the trucks. This is a profitable business with the owner operating as the dispatcher who coordinates seven trucks with fourteen trailers. Three of the tucks are operating as Bdouble. The business has a contract with Company C for carriage and several other non-contractual customers (diversified income streams). The company's contract with Company C has two and a half years left before renewal. The company has just picked up a new customer which should bring in ~ $9,500 per week ($495,000 pa) in revenue. Last year’s sales where just over $1,600,000, profit (according to owner) around $645,000 and it has assets in trucks and trailers of approximately $1,000,000. The business could be run as a standalone or an addition to existing business. It would be great for someone who would like to expand and has good marketing skills. This is a business wanting to be taken to the next level. The current owner is maxed out, wants to retire and spend more time with his family. The owner is motivated to sell and is happy to stay on for a period of time to help the new owner find their feet. Overseas purchasers of this business may also be able to apply for residency via an 888 visa (subject to relevant and current legislation/s), please make you own inquiries re your eligibility..
This is a good business going for a song, be quick or miss out. First in best dressed. The owner is motivated to sell due to family commitments.
Great ROI, good quality assets, low low price
- Income $1,600,000 pa December's income was $178,887 or $2,146,644 pa
- Assets ~ $1,000,000
- Profit $645,000 pa December's net profit was $101,425 or $1,217,100 pa
- New Customer's expected annual increase of income approx $450,000-$500,000
- Owner stating this year's income expected to be $2.5M
Please note the published financials have been supplied by the owner, the raw data is available for inspection
John Mc Nabb 0499 550 577