
Listings under B

See all our business for sale listings here, we have businesses that are for sale in Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC, Brisbane QLD, Gold coast QLD.

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We have hundreds of business for sale listings for you to choose from and as leading business brokers in Melbourne Sydney & Brisbane we are selling businesses in Melbourne and Sydney and Brisbane in all types of industries.

We have multiple business brokers in Sydney and business brokers in Melbourne as well as business brokers in Brisbane and Queensland's Gold Coast.

There are many business opportunities that are on the market right now and the owners are looking to sell their business with Network Infinity.

Search using the all business for sale page or use our search bar on the home page, simply put your desired location like Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane or other, then select the category you are searching for, i.e cafe or food and beverage then select your price range.

We represent vendors of all types of businesses including automotive, cleaning, cafes, restaurants, franchises and more.

If you are looking at how to sell your business, you need a business broker that can provide you the service and reach of a network such as ours.

Contact us if you want to discuss how to sell your business.

See the full list of the types of businesses for sale below. 

These are all the different categories you can look up when searching for your dream business to buy.Accommodation/Tourism, Accounting, Adult, Advertising/marketing, Aeronautical, Aged Care, Air, Aircraft, Alarms, Alcohol/Liquor, Amusements, Animal related, Aquatic/Marine, Arts/Crafts, Auto , Electrical, Automotive, B, Backpacker/Hostel, Bakery, Bars, clubs & nightclubs, Bars/Nightclubs, Beauty , products, Beauty Salon, Beauty/Health, Bike and Motorcycle, Boarding Kennels, Boats/Marine, Bookkeeping, Brokerage ,Building / construction services ,Bus ,Business opportunities Butcher, , Cafe/Coffee , hop, Car, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Car Wash, Car/Bus/Truck, Caravan Park, Catering, Child Care, Civil, Cleaning, Clothing/Accessories, Clothing/Footwear, Communication, Communications, Computer/IT, Convenience store, Convenience stores, Copy/Laminate, Courier, Dental, Detailing, Discount store, , Distributors, Driving Schools, Education/Training, Educational, Electrical, Employment/Recruitment, Employment/Recruitment - Educational, Entertainment, Entertainment/Tech, Farming & agricultural, Finance, Florist/Nursery, Food & beverage, Food Retail Shops, Food/Beverage, Food/Hospitality, Franchise, Fruit/Veg, Function Centre, Furniture/Timber, Gambling, Garden/Household, Garden/Nurseries, Gardening, Glass/Ceramic, Guest House/B&B, Hair, Health & Beauty, Health Spa, Health/Beauty, Hire/Rent, Home Based, Home/Garden, Home ware/Hardware, Hardware, Hospital Hotel, Import & export,  Industrial/Manufacturing ,info, write up, links ,Internet, Irrigation Services, IT & Internet business, Juice Bar, Legal, Leisure/Entertainment, Limousine/Taxi, Machinery, Machinery/Metal, Management Rights, Manufacturers, Manufacturing, Manufacturing/Engineering, Marine, Marine Lifestyle, Massage, Mechanical , repair, Media, Medical, Medical Practice, Mining/Earth Moving, Mobile Services", Motel, Music/Video, Nails, Natural Practice, Natural Therapies, Newsagency/Tatts, Nursery, Nursing home, Office Supplies, Oil/Gas, Panel Beating, ,Paper/Printing ,Parking, Pest related, Pharmacies, Pictures, Plastic ,Pool/Water Post ,offices ,listings, Print ,Professional, Professional, Estate, Rail ,Recreation/Sport, Recruitment, ,Resort, types, Retail, Retail & service providers, Retirement , village, Scientific, Sea, Security, Service, Sports, Supermarket , ,Takeaway Food, Taxi,, , Theme Park, ,Tours, Trades & services, Training, Transport & distribution, Transport/Distribution, Travel, Truck, Vending, machines, Water ,Welding Wholesale, Wholesalers, home, car Wreckers .

Network Infinity is one of Australia's premier business brokerage service providers, we represent all types of business that are for sale.

Looking to sell your business!

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