
On offerWest of Sydney Seafood Shop Very Busy Centre High Foot Traffic Priced to Sell




Chris Minas


  • Listing ID 3278
  • Price $289,000.00
  • Categories Business opportunities
    Fish Chips / Seafood


Excellent Fish and Chip Shop

In the Heart of Western Sydney , with Excellent Passing Trade

Great Food Court Location in one of the Busiest Shopping Centre in the West of Sydney

This shop is Practically Brand new ,

It has an Excellent Sales Revenue of with an Excellent Bottom Line.

It Has a simple menu and its very easy to operate.

Nice and large shop with an Area of 100 sqm and Plenty of seating in this Centre , it has a corner position that cant be missed

with loads of foot traffic .

It has a great Look and is well Known in the Centre with Plenty of space including very large Cool Room, and Prep Areas.

It has loads of potential as its full time under Management and would suit owner Operator or Husband and Wife.

It is very well priced as current owner is highly committed elsewhere.

                                                        To find out more, please contact:


0414 241 332

  Email : [email protected]

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